Who We Are
• URBAN AND RURAL JOINT ACCENTURE (URJA) is a registered public charitable trust and Non Governing Organization (NGO) in India governed by the Public Trust Act.

• URJA is committed to undertaking various programs and activities for Children, Youth, Men, Women, Old age and other marginalized segments of the society irrespective of their caste, creed, age, sex, color and religion, in rural, urban and tribal areas, and resettlement colonies/J.J. clusters, to realize the ideals and objectives of the constitution of India in order to protect, promote and advocate human rights.

• URJA was established on 31st August 2015 with the efforts of some young Social Developers and got registered under Indian Public Charitable Act 1882. It is a group of grass root level consultants and management professionals of different thematic areas and with a capacity to undertake and run all such activities and programs which are related to development of less fortunate and socioeconomically deprived

We The Catalyst :
The social work is built upon the foundation of consultation with communities, whereby the needs are not imposed by an outside agency; rather they are identified at the grassroots. In this manner, URJA aims to act as positive catalyst for the change, utilizing the energies and initiatives of the people themselves in order to implement the concept of self-sustainability.

Envisaging a self-reliant, egalitarian society based on Social & Gender Sensitivity while harmonizing and creating over all common concern for the collective, keeping safe the individual priorities and choices.

Pursuit :
WE are a flame of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in our mission to alter the course of development by providing innate power to the socially and economically deprived people to shape up their life through capacity building, Empowerment, Education and better healthcare practices.